Discover The Power Behind Great Marketing

Here's a rundown of the things we talk about. These topics are used by the best charter services and the biggest fishing pros around the world. These same topics are the driving force behind some of the most successful marketing campaigns you've heard of.

Topics You'll Find On Fishing Guide Success

Create A Booming Business With Tips On These Topics

How To Find And Attract The Perfect Clients For You

  • Have Them Raise Their Hand

    Find out how to have people raising their hand because they’re interested in your service.

  • Get People Talking

    Word of mouth is the most powerful marketing tool. Discover how to make it happen all the time.

  • The Who, What, and When

    Who is your perfect customer? We show you how to figure that out.

  • Pricing Strategies

    Don’t follow the competition. We’ll show you how to price your service in a way that brings you more money. And customers are happy to pay it.

  • Top Tips For Online Marketing

    Out of billions of pages on the web, find the ones that help you the most while eliminating the ones that do you harm.

  • How To Have Them Calling You

    Stop chasing clients. Have your phone ringing off the hook from anglers who are calling you and begging to get on your schedule.

Build A Calendar Jam-Packed With High-Paying Clients

  • How To Be A Legend

    Want to be the “go-to” guy in your area? We’ll show you how to do it.

  • Showing Up Strong

    Techniques you can use to reduce cancellations and get people talking about you.

  • Building Tight Bonds With Your Customers

    Connect with your customers to build loyalty and repeat business.

  • What To Say

    Checklists, Scripts, and More. Use proven principles that are known to work. It’s as simple as cut-and-paste.

  • How To Stay On Top Of Their Minds All Year Long

    Tips to stay on your client’s mind all year long. This is the easiest way to guarantee repeat business.

  • Persona Development

    Figure out the buying buttons and brain triggers that make your customers pull out their wallet and book a trip.

How To Bring Clients To You While You're Sleeping

  • Do The Work Once

    Create campaigns that can be used again and again.

  • Online And Offline

    Use both digital and traditional techniques to multiply your results.

  • Choosing The Best Message For The Clients You Want

    Out of the thousands of marketing messages you can choose, there’s only a few that best fit you and your clients.

  • The Best Tools To Use

    Save yourself time and money. Find out which tools are used by the top marketers.

  • The Bounce Back Method

    A simple technique to get more clients.

  • Systems Thinking

    How to add your marketing efforts to all the other things you’re doing

A Complete Breakdown of The Best Marketing Tools - Both Old and New

  • Social Media

    Discover what’s working (and what’s not!) in the warp-speed world of social media.

  • Email Marketing

    You know those boring corporate emails you get? Don’t do that. Find out how to use email marketing as a core piece of your marketing.

  • Print Campaigns

    Traditional advertising principles don’t fit well for charter and guide service. We’ll show you how to change this and how to use print to your advantage.

  • Your Website

    We’ll show you the most common mistakes and how to fix them. For many guides, the website is causing you to LOSE business.

  • Direct Mail

    The most powerful marketing force in the U.S. is making a comeback. Find out how to use it effectively.

  • Copywriting

    The words you write matter. It’s your choice of words that close the deal. Learn the top tips from the world’s most effective copywriters.

PLUS... A Whole Lot More

  • Sponsorships

    Discover the ins and outs of finding, contacting, and signing sponsors.

  • Trade Shows

    How to use trade shows to build your business, even if they aren’t in your town.

  • Events

    Leverage events and turn them into a client-getting machine.

  • Becoming An Expert

    There’s a little known step by step process to becoming an authority and an expert in your area. We’ll discuss the steps in a simple fashion that even a 4th grader could follow.

  • Getting Things Done

    Get more done in less time. We’ll discuss productivity lessons from the busiest (and richest) CEOs around the world.

  • Growing Your Business

    World class tips on growing your business and taking it to the next level.

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